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Hooters Backtracks On New Thongish Shorts For Waitresses After The Internet Goes Mad

If you’ve ever been to a Hooters “restaurant” then you know the waitresses there wear some pretty revealing shorts. It’s a bit strange, considering the name of the restaurant is Hooters, but they seem to celebrate the booty more. Of course, that could just be a sign of the times.

In any event, Hooters recently decided to make their shorts even shorter. Basically, they were giving their wait staff a thong to wear.

Check it out below…

If you’ve never been to a Hooters, this is what the original shorts looked like…

Some waitresses have been jumping on their TikTok accounts to express their displeasure with the outfit.

Employee Kristen Songer said this in her video…

Oh look, a wedgie! This is why all the Hooters girls are upset — because this is not what I agreed to wear a year ago when I was hired.

By the way, Songer works at the restaurant as she attends the University of South Carolina School of Medicine.

After the debate online, Hooters decided to reverse the policy. A rep for the company released the following statement:

As we continue to listen and update the image of the Hooters Girls, we are clarifying that they have the option to choose from traditional uniforms or the new ones. They can determine which style of shorts best fits their body style and personal image. We appreciate the feedback, both positive and negative, regarding a more accommodating and inclusive image policy on tattoos, jewelry, nails, hairstyles as well as new uniform options — to include new top styles, shorts and the addition of socks.

Yeah, socks. That’s what everyone cares about.

We should note here that not every waitress had a problem with the new shorts. In fact, one employee went on TikTok and claimed she has been making “way more” money with the new shorts, so you know… there’s that. The tips are apparently coming in strong.

Personally, I think it’s all good if they allow the staff to pick between the different options. If one girl wants to show her stuff to make more $$$, then so be it. And if another girl doesn’t feel comfortable with wearing them, that’s cool too.