Despite the reported $10 million dollar wedding and the $17.9 Million profit, the Humphries were flying home Coach. Not that...
The Big O has now appointed herself CEO of OWN, and no sooner does she do this, that the network...
“Too Old to be Chasing Burglars”. What is Alex Trebek. Correct! At age 71, Alex thought he was 17 when...
(Scroll Down for the video) I love how these people, who shouldn’t be famous to begin with, act like they...
I’m sure this (out earning Marc Anthony) was part of the problem with her marriage, and now it’s just gotten...
Talk about heroes! Sherwood Schwartz created some of the shows that are responsible for shaping America. I know that sounds...
See this is what happens when you get into the main stream. You can’t do the stuff that got you...
I knew it. It was just a matter of time before Charlie Sheen got signed. What I didn’t predict was...
Jerry Lewis, Sydney Australia, Rooty Hill RSL Club Thank god this isn’t another RIP post. I’m getting sick of that...
If you are an Oprah fan you have heard her say on many occasions that she wants to interview OJ. ...
Are the rumors true? Christina and Adam Not getting along on the Voice? It looks like it’s all love...
Ok, yes I stole this picture from Media Take out so I will provide a link to it here and...
The Pampered Princess Paris got a Barbara Walter’s smack down, with a little Whoopie thrown in there for good measure. ...
Kim is pushing to have a pre-nup? What happened to True Love? Well, Kris Humphries is no match for Kim...
There is always debate about which branch of “The Real Housewives” tree brings the most drama. Atlanta is always at...